Driven by Excellence

Since our inception, we've been dedicated to providing our valued customers with the highest quality vehicles, exceptional service, and an unmatched buying experience.

Our story

Our Commitment to Excellence

Our Commitment to Excellence

Our journey began with a simple yet powerful vision: to redefine the way people buy and experience cars. Today, that vision drives everything we do. We're committed to raising the bar in the automotive industry, and here's how we make it happen

Our journey began with a simple yet powerful vision: to redefine the way people buy and experience cars. Today, that vision drives everything we do. We're committed to raising the bar in the automotive industry, and here's how we make it happen

Unparalleled Selection

Unparalleled Selection

Our extensive inventory showcases a wide range of vehicles, from the latest models to meticulously inspected pre-owned options. We believe in offering choices that cater to various tastes and budgets.

Our extensive inventory showcases a wide range of vehicles, from the latest models to meticulously inspected pre-owned options. We believe in offering choices that cater to various tastes and budgets.


Car Brands

15 years

in the industry

in the industry

Competitive Pricing

We understand the importance of affordability without compromising quality. Our commitment to competitive pricing ensures that you're always getting the best value for your investment.

Competitive Pricing

We understand the importance of affordability without compromising quality. Our commitment to competitive pricing ensures that you're always getting the best value for your investment.

Financing Expertise

Financing Expertise

Navigating the world of auto financing can be complex, but our financing experts make it easy. We work with multiple lenders to secure financing options tailored to your unique needs.

Navigating the world of auto financing can be complex, but our financing experts make it easy. We work with multiple lenders to secure financing options tailored to your unique needs.


Satisfied customers

Some of our cars

We don't just offer cars we offer choices.

Special offer

Trade you old car for a new one!

Our partners

Our team

John Smith - Founder and CEO

With a passion for automobiles and a vision for redefining the car-buying experience, John Smith founded Velocity Auto Group. He brings decades of industry expertise and leadership to the team.

Sarah Davis - Sales Manager

As the Sales Manager, Sarah Davis leads our dedicated sales team. Her extensive knowledge of vehicles and her commitment to customer satisfaction make her an invaluable part of Velocity.

Michael Turner - Finance Specialist

Michael Turner is our Finance Specialist. With a background in finance and a deep understanding of the lending landscape, he works tirelessly to secure the best financing options for our customers.

Lisa Johnson - Service Center Manager

Lisa Johnson oversees our state-of-the-art service center. Her leadership ensures that our technicians provide top-notch maintenance, repairs, and customization services to keep your vehicle in prime condition.

Our Customers

Tom and Susan

Happy Family

"Velocity helped us find the perfect family vehicle. They listened to our needs and recommended a safe and reliable SUV that fit our budget. We couldn't be happier with our purchase and the exceptional service we received."

"Velocity helped us find the perfect family vehicle. They listened to our needs and recommended a safe and reliable SUV that fit our budget. We couldn't be happier with our purchase and the exceptional service we received."


Sarah T.

Satisfied Customer

"Velocity made my car buying experience a breeze! The staff was incredibly helpful and patient as I explored different options. The financing team worked diligently to secure an affordable loan for me. I'm now the proud owner of a fantastic vehicle, all thanks to Velocity!"

"Velocity made my car buying experience a breeze! The staff was incredibly helpful and patient as I explored different options. The financing team worked diligently to secure an affordable loan for me. I'm now the proud owner of a fantastic vehicle, all thanks to Velocity!"


David L.

Repeat Buyer

"This is my second purchase from Velocity, and I couldn't be happier. Their selection is outstanding, and their prices are hard to beat. The after-sales service is top-notch too. I highly recommend Velocity to anyone in search of their dream car."

"This is my second purchase from Velocity, and I couldn't be happier. Their selection is outstanding, and their prices are hard to beat. The after-sales service is top-notch too. I highly recommend Velocity to anyone in search of their dream car."


Lisa P.

First-Time Buyer

"As a first-time car buyer, I was a bit nervous about the whole process. But Velocity's team made me feel at ease. They took the time to explain everything, from financing options to vehicle features. I drove off the lot with confidence and a fantastic car!"

"As a first-time car buyer, I was a bit nervous about the whole process. But Velocity's team made me feel at ease. They took the time to explain everything, from financing options to vehicle features. I drove off the lot with confidence and a fantastic car!"


Frequently asked questions

What types of vehicles do you sell?

Do you offer any special promotions or discounts?

How can I schedule a test drive?

Are your used vehicles inspected and certified?

What's the trade-in process like?

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